We need your help today. The Israeli gazelle is one of Israel’s most recognizable species. In the bible, Israel is called the land of the gazelle. It is genetically unique to Israel. Over the last 10 years, the gazelle population has been decimated, from a healthy population of 10,000 to just over 2,000 left today. In another 10 years how many will be left?
We need your help today.
The Israeli gazelle is one of Israel’s most recognizable species. In the Bible, Israel is called the land of the gazelle. It is genetically unique to Israel. Over the last decade, the gazelle population has been decimated, from a healthy population of 10,000 to just over 2,000 left today. Without urgent action, in another ten years, will there be any Israeli gazelles left in the wild?
The loss of 80% of the Israeli gazelle population over the last few years is a symptom of many issues plaguing Israel’s environment. We can’t stand by and let one of Israel’s most iconic animals disappear. By donating today you’ll become our partners in protecting this flagship species.
With their habitats destroyed and no safe escape route, the gazelles only have one exit route – straight into traffic. Fragmentation of ecological corridors leads to destruction of habitats. We protect gazelle habitats through proper land use planning and legal battles in order to ensure that the gazelles continue to have contiguous ecological habitats and the ability to roam.
With their habitats destroyed and no safe escape route, the gazelles only have one exit route – straight into traffic. Fragmentation of ecological corridors leads to destruction of habitats. We protect gazelle habitats through proper land use planning and legal battles in order to ensure that the gazelles continue to have ecological corridors and the ability to roam.
Improperly disposed food from homes and restaurants sustains large numbers of jackals, feral dogs, wolves and other carnivores that hunt gazelles. The gazelles don’t stand a chance against these unregulated large packs of animals. We work to encourage proper waste disposal and reduce the number of predators through lobby and legislation.
The Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel (SPNI) is your natural partner if you are committed to nature conservation, climate activism and environmental justice. A gridlocked, polluted Holy Land is not a light unto the nations. We need your support in becoming a clean-tech superpower, respectful of human health, and full of vibrant nature. This is the the Israel we need your help to create.